How To Join CAVNET

Founded by Marc Dubin, Esq., former Special Counsel to the Justice Department's Office on Violence Against Women, CAVNET (Communities Against Violence Network) serves to bring together experts and advocates addressing violence against women, human rights, suicide, school violence, bullying, and crime victims with disabilities. We are a partner with Lifetime Television's End Violence Against Women Project and a recipient of a Ms. Foundation grant.To join, send a resume or brief bio to Marc Dubin, Esq, Executive Director, at Marc may also be contacted by cell phone at 305-896-3000. See Follow Marc on Twitter:@ADAExpertise

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Profile of a CAVNET Member: Leigh Goodmark

 Leigh Goodmark is an Assistant Professor at the University of Baltimore School of Law, where she teaches in the Family Law Clinic. Previously, Professor Goodmark served as the Director of the Children and Domestic Violence Project at the ABA Center on Children and the Law, and represented battered women and children in restraining order, divorce, and custody cases. Professor Goodmark is the author of "From Property to Personhood: What the Legal System Should Do for Children in Domestic Violence Cases," which discusses the failure to fully implement provisions intended to protect victims of domestic violence and their children in custody and visitation cases. Professor Goodmark has spoken on these issues throughout the country, most notably through NCADV's symposia on child custody. Professor Goodmark also helped to establish the D.C. Superior Court's Supervised Visitation Center and the D.C. Bar's guardian ad litem program for children in domestic relations cases involving domestic violence. Professor Goodmark is a member of CAVNET's Advisory Committee on Custody.


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